Self-Care is a Priority!

 Sometimes I'm good with self-care and sometimes I'm pretty careless.  I get busy and forget or just don't take time to use a facial mask, use my teeth whitener or deep condition my hair.  I try to set aside time every week to practice some self-care and multi-task while I'm writing or working on graphics for social media.  I find if I put it on my calendar I'm more likely to follow through.  I love a good to-do list and love checking off those items!  

So today was a self-care day.  I'm using a perfecting mask with charcoal powder, kaolin clay and baobab seed oil to deep condition and nourish my skin.  After using this mask I notice that the texture of my skin is smoother and allows my foundation to glide on easily.  

I'm also using my teeth whitener by Banana White.  It's rechargeable and easy to use.  It only takes 25 minutes and isn't uncomfortable at all.  Being an obsessed coffee drinker it's a must that I use a teeth whitener every week.  

Off to check this task off my list!

