Wedding Week and A Weird Skin Tag?

 I'm still in major baking mode over here getting ready for the wedding.  And in the midst of coming home from convention and getting ready to start baking I developed this weird skin tag, or maybe wart? on my neck.  I got some skin tag/wart remover and put a tiny dab on it last night.  This morning I went to peel off the dried portion (you know how you put it on and then peel it off for several days in a row and it slowly kills and removes layers of the tag or wart?) and the whole thing came off!  Of course it left a nasty hole in my neck that's an open wound.  So now I've got Neosporin on it with a bandaid hoping it heals and doesn't look horrible by Saturday.  Let's hope this works!  

In my downtown between batches of cookies I'm reading a new personal development book called Rich as F*ck!  I hate the title, and I don't agree with much of what the author says, but some parts of it are good as far as mindset.  As a Christian I've always been taught that wealth was a bad thing.  You know the verse "money is the root of all evil" kind of thought.  And the idea about it being easier to fit a camel through the eye of a needle than a rich man go to heaven.  But here's the thing:  if I want to achieve my goal of someday owning and running my own senior dog sanctuary, it's going to take money.  Sure I could ask for donations and become a 501C3 charity.  But I can also earn money through my makeup business to fund the sanctuary.  I have no desire to drive a BMW or live in a mansion.  I would like to do a little traveling, but I'm happiest at home with my dogs.  So I'm hoping this book will help me get in a frame of mind that the more I earn, the more dogs I can save.  

Off to start getting out all my baking supplies!

Tomorrow is rehearsal day!

