Makeup Packing Tips
I'm traveling this week to Cancun, Mexico on a bucket list trip! The hubs and I are spending a week at an all-inclusive resort for our 35th anniversary (which was actually August 1). So I'm packing my makeup bag and heading for the airport!
Now when I'm traveling I take this makeup bag. It's an older one from Thirty-One, but it's still in great shape. I don't think they sell this model any more, but I'm sure you can find something similar. When I pack, I try to select as many "double-duty" products as possible. For example, one brown eyeliner pencil can be used as an eyeliner, but also a brow pencil. A blush or bronzer can also be used as an eyeshadow. I take one neutral eyeshadow palette. Eyeshadow can be used as eyeliner and eyebrow color. Liquid eyeshadows can be used as blush or lip color. Look at your products and try to plan ahead so that you don't take your entire makeup collection.
I do the same with my skincare and hair products. I try to pare down and take only the necessities.
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